Young families desire financial security and peace of mind, particularly as they begin to have children. Life insurance provides the ultimate peace of mind.
Although many families are busy with important tasks such as managing their home, raising children, and advancing their careers, it’s important not to let insurance fall by the wayside. Obtaining insurance might not be the most enticing task on your to-do list; but it’s one of the most important ways to protect your family.
Life insurance is designed to provide financial security in case of a catastrophic event.
Imagine a husband works and makes $75,000 per year, and his wife is a stay-at-home mom. What happens to his wife and children if he is involved in a car accident and passes away unexpectedly? Will the wife be able to manage the emotional as well as financial burden? What happens with the bills, the family home, child care, etc. These things need to be planned for, and unless you have an extremely large emergency fund, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Here are several reasons why Life Insurance is so important while raising a family:

As a homeowner, being able to pay your mortgage on time every month is critical. Who will pay your mortgage in the event of your death? What would happen to your family if you became disabled, or critically ill and your income was now gone?
Don’t lose your family’s home and most valuable asset by failing to plan.
Mortgage protection insurance offers peace of mind, knowing that your family home won’t be foreclosed due to loss of income. It functions much like a life insurance policy. You pay a premium to the insurance company to purchase a specific amount of mortgage protection coverage. The premium is based on your age, health, and mortgage balance. If you die while the policy is in force, the insurance company provides the funds to pay off your mortgage. Some insurance companies offer a cash-back option which means you can be reimbursed at the end of the term if the policy isn’t utilized. We can help you find the right company for your family!